

Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization

(1 rating)
2.5 hours
What you'll learn
Helps to predict performance
Increased the retention rates
Boost in cost efficiency

Android Java Masterclass – Become an App Developer

3 Lessons
21.5 hours
What you'll learn
The basics of the technology
Background behind the technology.
The advantages of mobile apps
Cover basics as well as advanced concepts and technologies.

Applying Data Analytics in Marketing

8.5 hours
What you'll learn
Get the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges they confront daily in their professional lives.
Identify the ideal analytic tool for their specific needs
Understand valid and reliable ways to collect, analyze, and visualize data
Utilize data in decision making for their agencies, organizations or clients.

Avocado Salad Helps Reduce Heat and Beautify Skin

5 Lessons
2.3 hours
What you'll learn
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing

Beginning Project Management: Project Management Level One

6 Lessons
22.5 hours
What you'll learn
Develop a higher level of leadership and management skills
Reach your fullest potential
Deliver extraordinary value

Brain Power Blueberry Smoothie

5 Lessons
2.3 hours
What you'll learn
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing

Elementary Cooking Course For Children

5 Lessons
2.3 hours
What you'll learn
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing

Essential Cooking Skills


Essential Cooking Skills

5 Lessons
2.3 hours
What you'll learn
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing

Fashion Design Course For Children

5 Lessons
2.3 hours
What you'll learn
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing

Healthy Sauces From Fruits and Vegetables

5 Lessons
2.3 hours
What you'll learn
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing

Healthy Vegetarian Dishes Come From Nature

5 Lessons
2.3 hours
What you'll learn
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing

Investment Management Specialization

9.8 hours
What you'll learn
Earn the certificate of Financial specialization that you can share with prospective employers and your professional network
Gain the skills: Investment management, interest rate, stock, portfolio construction

Learn Music Production Essentials

(1 rating)
8.7 hours
What you'll learn
At the end of this course, you’ll be able to find your way around your DAW
Know how to record your audio and MIDI tracks.
Plus, you'll know how to add and edit effects
Improve your mix and mastering of your songs.

Mobile App Development with Ionic Framework

3 Lessons
21.5 hours
What you'll learn
The basics of the technology
Background behind the technology.
The advantages of mobile apps
Cover basics as well as advanced concepts and technologies.

Music + Audio Production in Logic Pro X – The Complete Guide

5 Lessons
8.7 hours
What you'll learn
At the end of this course, you’ll be able to find your way around your DAW
Know how to record your audio and MIDI tracks.
Plus, you'll know how to add and edit effects
Improve your mix and mastering of your songs.

Organizational Leadership Specialization

9.8 hours
What you'll learn
Explore how great leaders assess themselves and lead collaborative teams that effectively manage negotiations and conflict.
Discover how leaders communicate through storytelling and employ other communication strategies to influence.
Learn how organizations start with the clarity of purpose that comes from an understanding of customers’ needs, including leveraging data analytics, and use that focus to drive the design of products and services to meet those needs effectively.
Create a capstone project that allows them to apply what they have learned.
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